How You Can Avoid Costly Mistakes When Enrolling in an Online Alcohol Drug Class © 2013 Thomas Wilson, Director Tom Wilson Counseling Center If you have been charged with an alcohol or drug offense and been to court, then enrolling in an online alcohol drug class may be part of your obligations to the court. This is usually required by the court before the court releases you from supervision. However, a simple mistake such as choosing the wrong class or choosing the wrong online alcohol drug class provider could get you into even more trouble with the court. If you want to resolve your case quickly, avoid these common mistakes. Mistake # 1: Enrolling in a class from a provider that does not have the proper credentials or is not accredited. Online Alcohol Drug Awareness Classes are taught by professionals who are certified or licensed in their state . If you are unsure, ask for a copy of their license or check their credentials at the court. Mistake #...
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